I am truly sorry,but for a long time I have been not posting anything...The reason for that is I do not have
anymore motovation towards feedback and all.From now on though I'll try to post more often!Well, bye for now
Kawaii Unicorn ❤
A. A horse!!!Deerrr.....
Anyway,check back next week for more random,stupid,unnecessary,useless,restarted,unicorn chiz!
Q.What do you call a unicorn with no horn???

**Find out next week!!
Also,keep sending us your unicorn jokes,riddles, or stories!
Hi lovers of the unicorns!!!!
This weeks blog is going to be great!!But first I want to announce on December 29th we had 104 viewers!!!!Along with 54 unique page viewers!!Awesome right?We need to keep this going!Thank you!!Anyway so for next weeks blog we are gong to add in our page ''Unicorn Jokes".This page is going to have unicorn riddles,jokes and stories!Who is gonna help?YOU!Yes you!We want to hear your best unicorny jokes!From the web or made up!You are gonna decide,after that we are goning to officially post them!So,
Step 1:
Figure out you unicorny joke,story or riddle
Step 2:
Email it to us or post it in the comment section below!
Step 3:
   Aww yess,our first blog post!What should we talk about?
Err da!UNICORNS!!Like LOL unicorn are so awesoommme!Anyway,we want to hear from
you!What you think so far,also ''in note'' that in the Random Page we have a poll for you to take,
make sure to check back to see if we have changed it,also we have games setup,check
out that also!

Next weeks blog:
Funny Unicorn Stuff


    Here,everyone is the
    author,feel free to post anything!Except anything

